Salary data for live job postings updated twice per day
See exactly what companies pay
Our advanced salary parser pulls compensation from listings
Compare salaries of various markets such as country, state, metropolitan areas, city, or postal codes
Determine the source type (company or agency)
See the exact listing we are pulling the data from
Slice the data using a variety of fields
Custom delivery format including interactive dashboards or raw data via an API
Take a look at this video that walks you through WagePulse on the customized dashboard
or email us at if you have questions.
We noticed you mentioned scraping
Just to confirm: prohibits spidering of its content and they will block anyone trying to scrape it.
Normally, our clients ask us to spider jobs from direct employer websites and ATSes.
In some cases we can spider commercial job boards: if there is a formal agreement between our client and the job board to allow spidering.