Auto Data Management and Analytics
Utilizing industry-recognized web scraping and delivery technology, talent, and analytics, Aspen Tech Labs expanded its jobs web data offering to automotive listings in 2017. On behalf of our customers, we collect auto data – new and used – from dealer websites. Then, we clean, enhance and categorize this auto data and deliver it to the required advertising platform for proper display. Our suite of services includes custom analytics and monitoring to ensure that accurate auto data is properly displayed in a timely fashion. Contact us to discuss your auto data and analytics challenges.
Property Data Management and Analytics
Rental and for-sale properties are displayed on scores of sites on the web. Aspen Tech assists its customers in collecting and delivering accurate property information from source websites, to ensure that the advertised listing displays accurate and timely information. Contact us to discuss your property data management requirements.
Classifieds Data Management and Analytics
Classifieds data is routinely shared among several marketplace sites. Aspen Tech Labs helps our customers ensure that only “for sale” classified items are displayed as well as only accurate/source information is presented. This service enhances listings and the shopper experience.
Jobs Data Management and Analytics
JobsWrap is Aspen Tech Labs’ suite of jobs data and analytics products to help firms collect, parse, clean, manage and analyze critical jobs data. Our services cover a wide range of industry needs, including scraping corporate jobs data content, cleaning and enhancing this data, delivering it in various formats for advertising purposes including Google for Jobs, comparing and measuring jobs data, and even controlling where your jobs are being displayed.