Refresh jobs button and new scrape requests can now be offered via API for WebSpiderMount clients’ customers and admins directly within their own systems, i.e. job boards and online recruitment systems. New API feature is now available for all WebSpiderMount job wrapping service clients.
Methods available directly from client proprietary systems via WebSpiderMount API:
1. Refresh jobs
Client manager or client customer can initiate jobs refresh (restart scraping process immediately and update jobs) directly from a client system. Refresh jobs button or a widget can be added to a client system.
2. New scrape request
Client manager or client customer can submit new scrape URL and comments for setup.
3. List of scrapes
Client manager can view scrapes within client system: retrieve a list of live scrapes.
There are two ways to integrate for WebSpiderMount job wrapping service clients: Javascript and API calls.
Javascript widget
A Javascript widget shows a status of a scrape including the latest update date (take a look at the screenshot above). Plus there is a Refresh button to trigger immediate jobs refresh and without having to wait for a next scheduled update, i.e. next day. This might be useful when certain jobs need to be distributed faster or if there is a closed position that should no longer show up.
Such widget can show scraping status for a single scrape to show job sync status e.g. in an employer’s dashboard. Or a list of all client’s scrapes for a bigger picture and scrapes management.
Another Javascript widget can be added to submit new job wrapping configuration request, specify filtering or mapping criteria, etc. Once such request is received WebSpiderMount team schedules configuration, provides ETA and confirms delivery via email and WebSpiderMount client dashboard.
Both widgets can be easily styled to match look and feel of client back-end or secure area of client customer interface.
Integrate via API calls
This would require custom code developed in a client system and, in addition to features provided by Javascript widget, could be integrated deeper into client workflow.
Examples of API functions usage: offering client customers new scrape details form during registration, the latest job wrapping sync status on jobs manager, refresh button.
Request more information about integration with WebSpiderMount.
Learn more about job wrapping features: