Getting your jobs data right and in sync is critical for SEO, clicks, applies and a great user experience. However, our customers have told us that sometimes there can be trade-offs, such as scraped data producing too heavy of a load on the customers’ acceptance/upload system resulting in system challenges or delays. Now, one of Webspidermounts’ greatest benefits – automatic job data synchronization between job board and ATS – can be even further optimized to create the best possible user experience. A few hours time can make a difference because candidates search job boards at all times of the day and night, across the globe. Our customers asked us – how can the job sync between our customers’ ATS and our job board be even better? One way to do this is by increasing the number of scrapes per day, or moving to Real Time scraping. Another optimization solution is below:
API sync optimization
Data processing can be optimized to lower API engine load. Due to our sophisticated content comparison tools, Webspidermount is able to send jobs data that includes detailed information regarding new jobs, edits and deletes, so that your system can recognize this small set of data, instead of the full snapshot of data. Our customers tell us that this can reduce the upload/import load by as much as 85%.
Content comparison/changes can be verified in ANY FIELD including description and apply URL. Or Webspidermount can track only important fields and send update command even more selectively.
Contact us to tell us about your specific jobs data situation.
Webspidermount is Aspen Tech Lab’s flagship product, a jobs scraping and jobs data management service, used by hundreds of firms globally to ensure precise and enhanced jobs data flow smoothly, from their customers’ ATS into their recruitment advertising platform. Webspidermount has the capability to scrape, parse, clean, enhance, modify, edit, and deliver jobs data – either daily, multiple times daily, or in real time. Our team of spider technicians setup and monitor the job scrapes to ensure clean delivery.
Recruiters don’t have time to post jobs. Job board owners can’t keep up with the constant changes on their customers’ ATS. Webspidermount takes care of it, bringing jobs directly from your customer, to your advertising platform. All jobs can be scraped. Contact us to show you how.