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Job distribution / bulk posting to job boards via job wrapping service

WebSpiderMount powers job distribution from ATS listing, XML/CSV file or job board listing by providing bulk job posting to various job boards and aggregators.

Job distribution, a part of job marketing, is a way for recruiters to distribute openings among employment websites. Job distribution online service typically automatically post employer job listing to a number of job boards and job aggregators in the website specific format.

Job wrapping service is used to broadcast vacancies in order to attract qualified candidates from job boards, job search engines, career sites, niche career centers or other destinations.


WebSpiderMount powers job distribution for job boards and employer career sites:

– Receives XML feed from your job listing or scapes jobs from a source site

– Converts XML into the required target job board format

– Posts new XML feeds to the required destination or provides URL for job board to download XML feed from

WebSpiderMount posts jobs XML via bulk posting interface used by popular job distribution services, i.e. Broadbean, Idibu. Jobs XML is customized as per client recipient database fields & values.

Schedule posting interface.

WebSpiderMount job wrapping service might be scheduled to distribute jobs on regular basis: daily or as per custom time intervals. Recruiters do not have to manually start the service. All jobs will be delivered without required client’s involvement.

Distribute selected job openings

Set up keywords based filters to only process desired jobs. Post only specific jobs to the niche employment websites and promote only relevant content.

Correct formating

Clear extensive HTML formatting from your XML feed and convert your XML feed to the destination database required format. Employers might also post vacancies with altered content, i.e post anonymous jobs.

Learn more job wrapping service:

– Job wrapping API

– Job scraping features

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